Package: XR 0.7.2

John Chambers

XR: A Structure for Interfaces from R

Support for interfaces from R to other languages, built around a class for evaluators and a combination of functions, classes and methods for communication. Will be used through a specific language interface package. Described in the book "Extending R".

Authors:John M. Chambers

XR.pdf |XR.html
XR/json (API)

# Install 'XR' in R:
install.packages('XR', repos = '')



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.95 score 3 packages 216 downloads 18 mentions 30 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 7 years agofrom:17f6861ca7. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 03 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 03 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert an Object to a Dictionary or Array in JSON NotationasJSONS4
Specialize the R Object Returned from an Interface EvaluatorasRObject asRObject,data.frame-method asRObject,list-method asRObject,ProxyObject-method asRObject,vector_R-method
Generate a Server Language Expression corresponding to an R ObjectasServerObject asServerObject,AssignedProxy-method asServerObject,name-method asServerObject,ProxyClassObject-method asServerObject,ProxyFunction-method
Class for Assigned Proxy Objects and Related MechanismsAssignedProxy AssignedProxy-class
Write A Proxy Function to a File or ConnectiondumpProxyFunction
Carry Out an Evaluator Initialization ActionevaluatorAction evaluatorAction,language-method evaluatorAction,pathEl-method
Add to Table of Search Paths and Import CommandsevaluatorActions serverAddToPath serverImport serverTask
Utilities for Server-Language Specific UsefillNames
Make a Help Topic an Explicit Character StringfixHelpTopic
A Class to Describe General Server Objects$,from_Server-method from_Server from_Server-class initialize,from_Server-method show,from_Server-method
Get or start an evaluator for an interfaceevaluatorNumber evaluatorTable getInterface rmInterface
Reference class for all interface evaluatorsInterface Interface-class
Classes of objects representing errors or other conditions in a server languageInterfaceCondition-class InterfaceError-class InterfaceWarning-class
Test if an Object is a ProxyisProxy
Miscellaneous methods$,AssignedProxy-method $<-,AssignedProxy-method MiscMethods
Plain Double Quote for NamesnameQuote
Send a Non-scalar Version of an ObjectnoScalar
Construct a String in JSON Notation to Represent an R ObjectobjectAsJSON objectAsJSON,array-method objectAsJSON,AssignedProxy-method objectAsJSON,environment-method objectAsJSON,envRefClass-method objectAsJSON,Interface-method objectAsJSON,list-method objectAsJSON,ProxyClassObject-method
Generate the Explicit Dictionary form for an R ObjectobjectDictionary
Execute a Setup Step for a PackagepackageSetup
A Class to Describe Classes in the Server LanguageProxyClass ProxyClass-class
A Class for Objects that are Proxies for Specific Server Class ObjectsProxyClassObject ProxyClassObject-class
The Evaluator Function Object Referred to from a Proxy ObjecproxyEvaluator
A Class for Proxy FunctionsProxyFunction ProxyFunction-class
Return the Server Language Name Corresponding to a Proxy ObjectproxyName proxyName,AssignedProxy-method proxyName,ProxyClassObject-method
Class Union to Represent Proxy ObjectsProxyObject-class
The Definition of a Server Language ClassServerClassDef ServerClassDef-class
Class Union for Describing Server Language FieldsserverFields-class
Create a Proxy ClasssetProxyClass
Convert a Simple Object to JSON StringtypeToJSON
Unconverted Server Language ObjectsUnconvertible-class
Convert the String Returned by a Server Language Interface to an R Object.valueFromServer
A class that facilitates returning R vectors via a list in JSONvector_R vector_R-class
A Structure for Interfaces from RXR-package XR